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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

感人肺腑的farewell letter -- From boss

Dear EOS members,

Today, I officially left the office and NTHU. I would like to thank you for your support and hard work in the past few years. Together we strived to build the EOS lab, in which many great work and students were developed. Looking back in the past 5 years, it is a wonderful journey that I will never feel regret. It is a path filled with tumbles, struggles, and getting-ups. I learned so much from you. Thank you for your tolerance with my impatience when I tried to do things good and right. I hope it is also a good journey to you all.

My next-step at Google starts next Monday. In this job, I will no longer advise students but lead engineers. I will no longer provide education but deliver products. The challenges and tests are tremendous to compete with the best engineers in the world. I would not be confident to take this job if it were 5 years ago. However, with the world-class research work we delivered together, I can confidently say that I am the best engineer in the world. You are.

The distance between Hsinchu (anywhere) and TPE seems a bit. But, thanks to technology, it is only a fingertip away. I am no longer a professor so I cannot offer any advise. But, as a friend, if you need any help or opinion, you know how to reach me. Good luck on your journey and best wishes.

Sincerely yours,


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